wake-up truth

Ditto What John Said

Never trust a man who doesn’t drink. Winston Churchill There’s debate whether Churchill actually spoke the line above. In my mind, due to the abundance of pitch-perfect quotes he DID say, why argue over attribution. Churchill was known for three-martini... check it out

What’s My Name!?

HBO Pictures “Say My Name” Many of us recall the iconic scene from AMC’s Breaking Bad when Walter White demands his drug rival say his name: “Heisenberg”. A fantastic vignette in television history. Nothing against Bryan Cranston, but he... check it out

Pride is a Sticky Subject

A friend I respect deeply forwarded an excellent 2015 article from Psychology Today – When Pride Is Nothing to Be Proud of. In it there are rich nuggets about discerning the line where pride becomes unhealthy. Our culture often bows up and relishes the... check it out

Riding an Elephant

It’s like life, you’re on the elephant. You’re riding it, but it’s gonnatake you where it wants to go. And it might throw you off… Maybe you’re just a hat.Craig Ferguson on Larry King Now In your 20s, life feels manageable,... check it out


The one thing I know for sure about China is, I will never know China. It’s too big, too old, too diverse, too deep. There’s simply not enough time.Anthony Bourdain, Parts Unknown I remember when I heard Anthony Bourdain utter that line with his distinctive baritone... check it out

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