wake-up truth

Are You Awake?

“People who don’t believe are walking dead. They are asleep.”― Kanye West   “When was the last time a Gospel record was No. 1 on the Billboard 200?” my good friend Mike Orren asked. A great point as the media and fans bat around whether Kanye... check it out

I Need Heavenly Cocaine

“You may not feel outstandingly robust, but if you are an average-sized adult you will contain within your modest frame no less than 7 X 10^18 joules of potential energy—enough to explode with the force of thirty very large hydrogen bombs, assuming you knew how... check it out

Grudges vs Forgiveness

“Not forgiving is like drinking rat poison and then waitingfor the rat to die.” ― Anne Lamott, Traveling Mercies: Some Thoughts on Faith   There may be no better barometer of soul stability than rush-hour traffic. On Wednesday I was driving to an early... check it out

Was That Random?

“From where we stand the rain seems random. If we could stand somewhere else,we would see the order in it.” ― Tony Hillerman, Coyote Waits  I like the words “touch-point.” I use them as a description of times in my life when a mammoth-size... check it out

Why I Believe (Part 2 of 3)

“Any fool can make a rule. And any fool will mind it.” ― Henry David Thoreau I didn’t birth me. I didn’t will myself into being. I had nothing to do with my creation. My parents “did the deed,” but they also were birthed through a process that... check it out

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